Do I Need an Interactive Whiteboard?

By udm - January 15th, 2018 in Uncategorized

professional displays by SBS of Bakersfield

Having trouble deciding if your business needs an interactive whiteboard? Do you have the assumption that they are simply for the classroom? Well, that could not be further from the truth. Here are some of the best reasons to invest in this hot new necessity.


Have trouble keeping your coworkers focus on the current presentation? Do you have a project coming up that requires a major amount of collaboration? Look no further than the smart whiteboard.  Individuals can interact with documents in real time both physically and through screen sharing, which is extremely convenient.

For instance, their digital touch pens allow many people to access the same touchscreen monitor at the same time. As a result, workplace collaboration is possible! Not only does it give any presentation a little extra pizzazz, but it also speeds up work time experientially.

Quick Editing

As stated before, a whiteboard has the added benefit of allowing its users to change documents and slides at a moment’s notice. Find a typo in your presentation, or did someone in your group come up with a stellar idea? Make the changes instantly. You can also print anything you worked on straight from the board, allowing you to change gears more quickly and with less exposition.

Wide Range of Connectivity

The benefits of whiteboards to group productivity cannot be overstated. In fact, with the right equipment, a good high-quality whiteboard can screen share with any laptop, iOS, or Android device, further boosting participation. From your conference room to your workspaces, huge lecture halls or training seminars, a Sharp Aquos Board can effortlessly magnify your workplace productivity.

So what are you waiting for? Join the movement! Call SBS of Bakersfield today at (661) 397-2100 to request a FREE consultation and invest in a whiteboard today!

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