SBS of Bakersfield Mission Statement

About SBS of Bakersfield, Inc. SBS of Bakersfield specializes in document-based
technology solutions. SBS of Bakersfield helps companies improve document
workflow, compliance, and copier/printer budgeting needs through creative solutions.
SBS of Bakersfield’s mission is to ensure that every business has the opportunity to
use the technology available that will maximize productivity, eliminate waste, and
exceed goals.



Service and support to provide an exceptional experience through reliable,
responsive, knowledgeable, and courteous service and support professionals.


Create innovative solutions, leveraging our experience and industry knowledge to
deliver meaningful results.


Build strategic partnerships that are long-lasting and mutually beneficial.


Whether a partner or employee, our interactions will be constructive, encouraging,
and respectful. By actively contributing, we will make a positive impact in the community.